Hey there, radiant mamas-to-be, glowing goddesses of pregnancy, and superwomen navigating the whirlwind of motherhood! I’m Chelsea, your go-to health coach for all things bump, baby, and beyond!

Now, before we dive into all things pregnancy and postpartum, let me take you on a whirlwind tour of my quirky career path. I started out in the family biz, diving headfirst into the world of real estate education, recruiting, and professional development. From there, I jetted off to France to teach English for the French Embassy in DC—oui, oui! Talk about a crash course in communication and culture! Along the way, I’ve worn many hats, from tutoring eager minds to teaching ballet (yes, I can still bust out a mean pirouette). And just when you thought my journey couldn’t get any wilder, I found myself in the tech world as an IT Consultant.

My adventures eventually led me to become an IT Specialist and project manager for the Navy. It was the birth of my first child that led me to leave the government and pursue work that would allow me to homeschool my children.  It was about the same time, I fell down the rabbit hole of holistic health and never looked back!

But enough about me—let’s talk about you! Whether you’re dreaming of two pink lines, riding the waves of morning sickness, or mastering the art of juggling diaper changes and late-night feedings, I’m here to be your guiding light through it all.

So, grab your maternity leggings, pour yourself a cup of herbal tea (or maybe a mocktail), and let’s embark on this journey together. With a sprinkle of humor, a dash of wisdom, and a whole lot of love, we’ll navigate the twists and turns of motherhood with grace, gratitude, and maybe a few ballet-inspired stretches thrown in for good measure.

I’m beyond excited to meet you! Let’s chat and create some magic. After all, the best adventures are always shared with a friend by your side. Here’s to you and the beautiful journey ahead!

My Wellness Philosophy
Simple Ways To Feel Your Best…


Superfoods for one are not necessarily superfoods for another. Your nutritional plan should be as unique as you are. Proper nutrition provides the building blocks for our bodies to function optimally, supporting vital processes such as metabolism, immune function, and cellular repair. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients promotes overall health, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and enhances energy levels, cognitive function, and mood, ultimately contributing to a higher quality of life and longevity.


Rest is vital because it allows our bodies and minds to recharge, repair, and rejuvenate. It promotes better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, improved mood and even a better metabolism.

Manage Stress

Stress management is crucial for good health as chronic stress can weaken the immune system, disrupt hormonal balance, and contribute to a range of health issues including cardiovascular disease, digestive problems, and mental health disorders. By effectively managing stress through relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and other strategies, we can safeguard our well-being, improve resilience, and promote a higher quality of life.

Move the body

Exercise is so important, it gets energy flowing around your body, calms your mind, boosts your metabolism and releases natural endorphins to make you feel amazing. 


Some of us have a habit of drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning, while others never skip even one stage of a multi-step skin care system.


By cultivating a growth mindset, wherein setbacks are viewed as opportunities for learning and personal growth, we can enhance our overall resilience, reduce stress, and foster greater psychological and emotional well-being, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

my story


The birth of my first bundle of joy marked a pivotal moment in my life—a moment that led me down a path of profound transformation. As I embraced the adventure of motherhood and made the decision to homeschool my children, I found myself drawn into the world of holistic health and wellness. This journey ignited a passion within me—a passion to not only transform my own life but to empower others on their wellness journeys as well. As a certified health coach specializing in women’s health, pre- and post-pregnancy, I’ve made it my mission to be a guiding light through the ups, downs, and baby bumps of this incredible adventure called life. I became a health coach because I believe deeply in the power of holistic wellness to transform lives. Having experienced my own health challenges and transformations, I understand firsthand the importance of having someone to provide guidance, support, and accountability. My journey has fueled my passion to empower others to achieve their health and wellness goals, and I am committed to helping individuals break free from limitations, discover their innate potential, and cultivate a thriving, balanced lifestyle. Being a health coach allows me to blend my expertise with my desire to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives, guiding them towards a path of vitality, resilience, and fulfillment. Let’s embark on this journey together—together, we can create lasting, positive change.

a few more



I’d be a midwife!


reading, knitting & crocheting,  gardening, book clubs! playing fiddle, dancing, crafting t-shirts, and spending time with friends & family. 


my family, countless opportunities to do what I love, and my wealth in health!


cheeseburgers and drink hot tea! but not at the same time. 🙂 


somewhere historical… with a cozy spot for tea or gelato.


empowering moms to live a life they love!

take the next step..

It’s time to stop sabotaging your health and start believing in yourself!

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